A Cloud Above the Gulf of Salerno

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Oil on Canvas Paper

9 x 12in | 22.8 x 30.5cm

Albanella, 2024

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Oil on Canvas Paper

9 x 12in | 22.8 x 30.5cm

Albanella, 2024

Oil on Canvas Paper

9 x 12in | 22.8 x 30.5cm

Albanella, 2024

This is the view from the Artist Bnb that we stayed at during the residency. It was at the end of a long day of painting and I was quite tired. We were waiting around to go to dinner and suddenly the sky came alive. The air and sea mist created this beautiful gradient leading back to the gulf of Salerno that had become so bright it looked like a streak of pure white across the horizon. After seeing that I got a rush of adrenaline and  sprinted in to get my gear. I must’ve painted it in about an hour with dinner and exhaustion looming over my shoulder but the rush only added to the expressiveness of the brushwork.